The Cutting Garden
A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust – Gertrude Jekyll
Initially The Flower Bank only collected cut flowers from the supermarkets but by January 2018 we had a large collection of bulbs and plants. The search began for a suitable site to plant and grow our collection. In March 2018 The Flower Bank received an Awards for All grant to create a cutting garden and shortly after the ideal space was found and work began to transform a neglected garden space on the Tiverton Estate in London N15.
A year of cutting, mowing, weeding and improving the condition of the soil and the garden is, I’m delighted to say, up and running. The plants have grown and we are using the flowers in our floral designs for organisations in Haringey. We’ve planted seeds and we've got herbs growing. These herbs are destined initially for food kitchens, charities and CIC’s but any surplus will be available in the Hub.
We’re now creating a growing calendar and the money we raise from the sale of our hanging baskets and herbs are going to be ploughed back into N15 growers as future plans include building a potting shed where we can teach the young offenders horticultural skills.
You can follow us on Instagram at N15 growers.